Saturday, May 12, 2012

Wedding Symbols

In the traditional world of Filipinos, symbols are used by couples and their families to represent their aspirations on the future of the marriage.

WHITE GOWN symbolizes purity and joyful celebration.

WEDDING RING symbolizes seal of promise for a future together

CANDLE represents light. It also symbolizes hope when couple is going through hard times during their marriage.

COINS OR ARRHAE symbolizes gift of prosperity. During the ceremony, when the groom transfers the coins on the cupped hand of the bride, it is a sign of the groom’s commitment to provide for the family in every way he can and makes sure that the family's future will be secure. As the bride accepts the coins, it symbolizes her duty commitment in helping her husband.

CORD will bind the couple together. Cord is placed in the figure of 8 which will symbolize endless love which means that they will stick together in sickness and in health.

WHITE VEIL symbolizes purity and union of the groom and bride and of the two families.

DOVES mate for life. It symbolizes love, peace, fidelity and prosperity. It is lucky to see dove on your wedding day because it assures a happy home.

MONEY /BILLS symbolize support of family members and friends to the newly-wed all throughout the married life of the couple. This is done during the wedding dance.

WINE & CAKE Cutting the cake together symbolizes unity. Feeding each other with a piece of wedding cake and drinking of wine with interlinked arms symbolizes perpetuity and promise of support for each other in nurturing their own family and sharing life’s reward. This is done during the reception of the wedding.

“Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue, Something Sixpence in Your Shoe”. –a rhyme originated during Victorian time but it is still used during the present time for good luck.

Something Old symbolizes bride’s connection from her past. It would have been a veil of a happily married woman with a thought that her good fortune would be passed along with it.

Something New symbolizes optimism for the future.

Something Borrowed means borrowing something from a married family member or a friend reminds her that they will always be there for her it also symbolizes a wish for your married life to mirror their happiness. Choose carefully and remember to return borrowed item to ensure good fortune.

Something Blue symbolizes commitment and fidelity

Something Sixpence in Your Shoe symbolizes promise of lifetime joy, good health. It can be substituted with a dime to ensure wealth in the couple’s life.


“Monday is for health,
Tuesday is for wealth,
Wednesday is the best of all,
Thursday brings crosses,
Friday brings losses;
but Saturday, no luck at all”

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